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12 resources found
4 February 2020
Surprise, Surprise! A workbook for finding the keys to resilience in your strategic initiatives
This workbook helps you to explore why your organization is surprised in the first place, and how you can handle your surprises more effectively.
24 January 2020
Avoiding strategic surprises: beware of the lurkers!
The most challenging surprises in strategic projects are those that have been hiding in plain sight from the beginning.
13 December 2019
What are the 4 Strategic Tasks in Transformation
Josef Oehmen (Denmark Technical University)
What are the tasks of the CEO, in an age when the interns know more than formal leaders? Dr. Josef Oehmen shares his key insights on the 4 strategic tasks that define the success of transformations.
9 September 2019
Research Highlight – Workshops on better managing surprises in strategy implementation
Brightline and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) are currently working with teams of senior managers to fine-tune and validate a set of workshop tools that allows strategy professionals to understand how their organization manages...
27 May 2019
Surprise: leveraging the unexpected in strategy implementation
Research suggests approaches to enhance practitioners' improvisational abilities
We love to emphasise the importance of details in strategy planning. This leads to a false confidence that all we need to do is “push the button” and lean back to watch our strategy implementation unfold.
17 January 2019
The Strategy Implementer Workbook
A Workbook for Mastering People and Uncertainty in Implementing Strategy Initiatives
This workbook presents a practical guidance for running executive-to-shop-floor-level workshops for mastering two key challenges in strategy implementation: Uncertainty and People Impact. It helps you by differentiating your strategy work...
27 November 2018
On timing and rhythm for strategy implementation
Every executive needs to address four timing dilemmas in their strategy process
27 November 2018
Smart and simple strategy decisions to minimise regret
Why we should not try to pick the best option, but instead use simple rules to eliminate the worst choices
27 November 2018
The four types of strategy work you need for the digital revolution
The most successful companies learn how to transition seamlessly between different strategy implementation approaches
27 November 2018
The importance of resilience for delivering strategies
Without resilience, you would need to be omniscient (predicting everything) or rely on luck
27 November 2018
Uncertainties and risks of strategy implementation
A framework that helps executives classify and understand the risk profile of a strategic initiative
11 September 2018
Timing is money
The four dilemmas of timing when to implement a business strategy. Although we have become quite savvy about knowing whether an innovative idea is disruptive, we don't really have tools for knowing when such disruption should happen, and...